Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sunday Reflections

Songs we sang this week.
  • O Praise Him - Crowder
  • Mighty to Save - Feilding and Morgan
  • Jesus Paid it All - Hall and Nifong
  • O Sacred King - Redman
In an effort to take notice of the Spirit's work among us when we gather, I wanted to jot down some notes that I wrote down during our worship time together (By the way, when I say 'worship time' I mean the whole service). I was caught up in the phrase "Author of Salvation" which was a line in the song "Mighty to Save". It was a phrase that stood out to me while I practiced the song and when we sang it together I was overwhelmed by God's message that he is mighty to save because he is the creator of salvation. Scott went on to talk about what was distinguishable about God and what was beautiful about him and it was that he is the mighty judge who made salvation possible...He is the Author of Salvation, the pioneer. Praise God for revealing these truths this week and I hope that it is an encouragement for your week and as you pray for your Oikos.

Please respond with comments about what you noticed the Spirit doing Sunday in our midst. You can leave a comment below or send me an email and I will post it for you. jrnall@fbcsd.com