Monday, February 25, 2008


From Hope Publishing, in one of the old hymnbooks from the Church. There is no publishing date that I can find but it is somewhere around 20 years old.

“One of our contemporaries has said, ‘God gave His holy Word in the form of our Bible. Man has compiled a book to be a companion to the holy Word, namely the hymnbook. The Bible is God’s expression to man, while the hymnbook is man’s expression to God. The Bible presents truths and doctrine, and the hymnbook helps translate them to the masses. Good church music is not an end in itself. It is a means to the end that the lost may be saved and the redeemed may be brought closer to God.”

That is the point isn’t it. Our songs are an expression to God, and in response to what we have learned about him from the Bible. I love that picture. It also speaks to why we should sing new songs, to continue responding to God in Spirit and Truth. It was interesting to see in the back of this hymnal two taped in lyric sheets. Typed, before computers or copiers. This shows that they were open to new songs.

This quote also shows an understanding that the song is not the worship. “Good church music is not an end in itself”. It is our corporate prayers, and our response to God in Spirit and Truth that is worship. That is a needed clarification for many who may believe that classical music is sacred. Is there really a sacred music?

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